Our Story - Shelly Rae Designs

Art + Function + Travel + Style + Sustainability = Shelly Rae Designs

Embark on an enchanting journey through the realms of art, adventure, and style with Shelly Rae Designs. In our world, every step is a canvas, and each product is a tangible expression of wanderlust and creative fervor.

Capturing the Essence of Travel

As an avid traveler and artist, I’ve roamed the world, capturing the essence of diverse landscapes with my paintbrush. At Shelly Rae Designs, our collection transcends fashion—it’s a living narrative, a fusion of personal experiences and artistic brilliance.

Art Born from Travel:

Wanderlust weaves through our designs, born amidst my journeys and painted with passion. As an artist fueled by the wonders of travel, I find inspiration in the very essence of the places I explore.  Often, I immerse myself in the local environment, collecting saltwater, lake water, or river water from the locations I visit. This infusion of nature’s elements becomes an integral part of my artistic process, weaving the spirit of each destination into the fabric of Shelly Rae

“Our Mission – To ignite your sense of wonder and adventure. We aim to equip you for your everyday life as well as your greatest adventures.”



Empowering Your Adventure: Our range extends beyond artful attire to activewear, meticulously crafted to empower your every outdoor pursuit. Whether scaling a mountain, cycling through picturesque trails, or catching waves, our designs not only elevate style but also embody the spirit of your favorite destinations.

Practicality in Travel: With an unwavering focus on practicality, our materials are not just exquisite but also wrinkle-free, ensuring your cherished items remain flawless amid the rigors of travel. Let our creations complement your adventures, allowing you to focus on the extraordinary experiences that await.

Seamless Transitions: Our creations are as versatile as your journey, effortlessly transitioning from day to evening. They become an extension of your personality, seamlessly adapting to ancient streets under the midday sun or vibrant nightlife, embracing the spirit of every adventure.

Pack light but carry a world of memories with Shelly Rae Designs. Our products are not just accessories; they are your trusted companions, connecting you to the natural wonders that inspired their creation. Whether through activewear empowering outdoor pursuits or our forthcoming home decor, let Shelly Rae Designs be the bridge between your style and the beautiful places you’ve explored.

Sustainability Commitment:

At Shelly Rae Designs, we are dedicated to sustainability, emphasizing responsible practices to combat overproduction. Our commitment extends to sourcing eco-friendly materials, prioritizing quality over quantity. We actively monitor production processes to minimize waste, embracing a ‘less is more’ philosophy. Exploring innovative technologies, we aim to continually evolve our practices, inviting customers to join us on the journey towards a more sustainable future. With Shelly Rae Designs, you’re not just acquiring art; you’re investing in a vision that values both style and our planet’s well-being. Together, let’s weave a more sustainable and vibrant future.

Shelly Rae Designs: Where wanderlust meets wearable art, crafting timeless pieces with a commitment to sustainability and a passion for weaving the essence of global journeys into every creation.

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